- I'm at a club. Guess who's here?
- If you're calling it must be someone important.
- Yep.
- British?
- Yes.
- Badly Drawn Boy?
So one of my favourite artists just shows up totally unanounced and unexpected in a club in my town. I checked his website, his Myspace (although I do that practically every week), the club's website, and nothing. There was no sign anywhere about he playing there.
Should I go there just to see him? Because I would probably not even talk to him... It's a delicate matter for me. Like most people, I would, in theory, like to meet the people I admire, but it has often happened that, when presented with the opportunity, I have managed to build up the courage - or the chickiness - to go up and talk to them only to realise I have absolutely nothing relevant to say to them.
And there I was in this 'now what' situation when I got another phone call: "he's playing tonight". After uselessly asking several bartenders and a coat checker, Yew finally got the confirmation from the sound guy.
So I went there to see him play and it was amazing. It was a very intimate thing, a few dozen people mostly sitting on the floor, Damon and his guitar. He wasn't supposed to be playing, but apparently he was friends with the band who was and decided to play a few songs as well. He played Cause A Rockslide, Everybody's Talking, Degrees of Separation, Once Around The Block and two unreleased songs, one of which was called Don't Go Far and was dedicated to a friend of his who passed away. And after people called for one more he played Time of Times. As predicted, I didn't go and talk to him. But it didn't matter. It was fantastic.
And that's how my erratic internet surfing habits finally worked in my favour. Just to think that if I had gone to bed at 11.30 I would have missed that magical half an hour makes me never want to sleep again.