Saturday, 8 November 2008

It's a new dawn, it's a new day

Something that really caught my attention on election night was McCain's concession speech. He was very gracious, showing no resentment, miles away from the arrogant, bitter old man who campaigned. The most significant part of his speech for me, even more so than the one about how important and historic it is that the president will now be an African-American, was this one:
That he managed to do so [win the election] by inspiring the hopes of so many millions of Americans who had once wrongly believed that they had little at stake or little influence in the election of an American president is something I deeply admire and commend him for achieving.
I agree. This is the most admirable thing about Obama and the reason why so much is expected from him now: the fact that he inspires people. He made people feel like he was talking directly to them, about their own problems, personally asking for their support so that he could help them solve those problems. He made people believe that they mattered, and that if they all worked together they could achieve great things. And they already did: Obama's election was the first great thing they achieved. This truly was the people's election, the people's choice, and Obama is the people's president.

And although he's not my president, because I'm not an American, I'm happy he was elected and I think he will do good for America and the world. Expectations are huge, and thus almost impossible to meet, but he seems honest and intelligent, which frankly is more than we can say about most politicians, and he has this way of motivating people, so I'm pretty confident.

And I feel privileged to be witnessing this moment. For the first time in modern history the most powerful person in the world is not of caucasian ethnicity. That has got to make everyone who has a sense of justice proud.

So now good luck Mr. Obama. The world will be watching (very, very literally). And good call on deciding to get your girls' puppy from a shelter. :)