I was going to refer to what they said from memory, but I googled the keywords and came across the CNN Transcripts - which are amazing - so here goes the exact quote:
Gloria Borger: It's a different country and the danger, and Bill Bennett will - I'm sure will want to talk about this, for the Republican Party is becoming the monochromatic party, the party of older voters and the party of small America.About the Republican Party being the party of old, white men and small America, all I can say is that's the idea we get on this side of the Atlantic. Whether or not it's true, I don't know. But I think Bennett is absolutely right on his other statement: blacks and Hispanics are not all progressive liberals. In fact, people who vote democrat, be they African-American, Hispanic, Caucasian, Asian, native Americans or whatever, are not necessarily progressive liberals - especially in this particular election. The Bush administration was so awful that many people ended up voting democrat because they didn't want to risk four more years of that. Others voted democrat because they felt inspired by Barack Obama, or charmed by the possibility of having a president who comes from an ethnic minority - thus proving that "in America anything is possible if you work hard for it". There are many reasons why people choose a party and/or a candidate over another. Bennett, biased as he may be, is right to say that many people who voted democrat are not politically liberal.
Bill Bennett: Let's resist the temptation to talk about Republican Party as just old white confederate man. It isn't. It's more than that. Indeed, the Republican Party has a lot of work to do. And let's resist talking about blacks and Hispanics, as if they're all progressive liberals, because they're not. But there are - yes, there are cultural divides in our society.
His words came to my mind as soon as I saw the result of that shameful proposition 8 in California, a state where Obama won in a landslide. And the same goes for Florida, where Obama had more than 4 million votes, but only 2.9 million people voted against the ban on gay marriage. Why is that? Obama's victory showed the world that America was taking a huge step towards making discrimination a thing of the past, and yet, millions of Americans across several states voted for propositions whose sole purpose was to make life harder for a group of people, with nothing in it for themselves. Again: why? "It’s almost like we’re the last group you can be openly bigoted about" - said Jeanne Rizzo, the C.E.O. of the Breast Cancer Fund, quoted by Judith Warner. Looks like she's right. Until when?